A new map from Netanyahu who erased Palestine

Orhan Bursalı, one of the writers of our newspaper, evaluated Netanyahu’s speech at the United Nations.

A new map from Netanyahu who erased Palestine
Yayınlama: 17.10.2023

Netanyahu shows the map below at September 22nd, during his speech at UN meeting. There is still time until October 7th.

The map shows the results of Abraham accords, which unites Israel with a couple arabic countries with the help of USA.

The map reads ‘The New Middle East’.

At first i thought if he indicates the new Israel territory or not; A bigger Israel that has claimed Jordan,Sinai peninsula etc.

If you look at this and think about malicious intentions you would be “suprised”

In his speech Netanyahu indicates the wealth spot that will appear in result of the Abraham accords,a new Middle-east. Where Israel’s technology will meet arabs wealth,thus making Israel wealthier as well.


But by an unknown cause you cannot see Palestine anywhere on the map. Because its deleted. With this map Netanyahu shows the exact purpose of the Abraham accords,

im not sure if he is explaining or insisting the message to the unsuspecting Arabs…

Interestingly if we take note that after this event, in October 7th, Hammas assaults Israel and immediately after Israel answers this with a horrific counter-assault and the invasion of Gazza. Let’s piece the puzzle pieces together, and it all makes sense.


Yesterday, i wrote that Hammas might have initiated these assaults to eradicate the Abraham accords, which sold out the Palestine completely. The map shown and my claim perfectly allign. Despair,poverty,futurelessness and maybe the feeling of being sold out by the Arabian countries have driven Hammas to these gory assaults. Even with taking the risks of Israel launching a counter-assault and an invasion on Gazza and them eventually being driven out of it, and of course the massive casualties…

Hammas seems to have achieved their goal.Arabs have put the accord on hold and the ‘new middle east’ chapter of Israel seems to be closed for the moment.


This situation will probably give new oppurtunity to China on this territory.Dont forget that China acted as a middle-man between Saudis and Iran.

USA’s idea with the Abraham accords was not just putting Israel in a secure environment but also preventing the Saudis to make moves involving Iran and China, like i wrote about yesterday.

The thing is all the arrows point to the fact that there would be no pacts that is aimed to eradicate Palestinians and their lands from the world and the history, only way to maintain peace on middle-east is to give the Palestinians their rights…

The west should act like the three wise monkeys.

If massacres ensue and Gazza gets invaded, a storm will surely brew over the world…

If you haven’t checked it out please read the yesterdays article.


A fair peace is the precondition of a everlasting peace. Who can convince Israel with this?

The cause for World War 2 was the humiliating pacts that was insisted to Germany after the World War 1.

That was the cause of the appearence of Hitler and Nazism.

In short i can say that the West is more invested in war than peace on middle-east and the globe…

The invasion of Gazza surely underlies a possible war on Middle-east that could involve Turkiye as well.

In this situation USA would probably struggle in this quicksand, as their economy fails and eventually they would be forced to back down even more when they face China…

Did the map become history in Netanyahu’s personal files?  

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